The Offshore North Sinai (ONS) concession lies just offshore on the eastern flank of the Nile Delta and about 65 Km NE of Port Said in the Eastern Nile delta hydrocarbon province of the Mediterranean Sea.
ONS concession is currently comprised of two separate development leases, named Tao and Kamose. Tao and Kamose were awarded in 1998 with total area 355 Km2 and shallow water depths ranged from 30m to 85m.
ONS concession is operated through NOSPCO JV after take over from Perenco mid-2014. The current production is 60 MMSCFG from five wells with cumulative production 340 BCF.
In 2017, MOG Energy acquired 560 square km of 3D high resolution broadband seismic data using PGS company last updated technologies. At the same time during the seismic survey, high resolution Magnetic and Gravity data were recorded. Using the latest seismic processing technologies, seismic data and AVO inversion results are supporting high exploration potential in both Post and Pre-Messinian.

In 2020, a comprehensive G&G study for ONS concession Prospectivity was conducted by Gaffney, Cline & Associates. The study is resulted in 312 BCF low risked resources within post Messanian section and 5.7 TCF upside potential within Pre-Messanian.
According to the current encouraging gas price a new development project was established targeting the low risked resources within post Messanian section. Additionally, MOG Energy is planning for two different exploration phases next to Tao and Kamose Development leases.

Exploration History
11 challenging gas wells have been successfully drilled since 2014 in ONS. Cost Optimization Practices helped a lot in the drilling and completion of these wells with very efficient cost, which is considered one of the cheapest in the Mediterranean.
MOPU for the first time in Mediterranean
During the 2nd Development phase in 2019, highly deviated four wells were drilled using Mobile Offshore Production Unit. MOPU was selected as the best development option for the first time in the Mediterranean. MOPU has been chosen due to its capability for performing wells intervention as well as it can be easily connected or disconnected to a mini Well Head deck which make it suitable to be reused for the rest scattered reservoirs.

MOG Energy Vision
On the one hand, ONS has a strategic location as a sole gas producer in the eastern part of the Mediterranean North of Peninsula. Therefore, MOG Energy has a potential vision to be gas facilitation hub in that area depending on the current offshore facilities and onshore Sinai center processing plant.
On the other hand, MOG Energy is looking forward to explore the Pre-Messanian potential as well as acquiring a new exploration blocks in the surrounding area with total estimated investment plan.